Welcome to the toddler room!
Welcome to our toddler room! The toddler has an adult to child ratio of 1 to 5. Our toddler room is licensed for up to 15 toddlers. Children typically begin the transition to the toddler room at around 14-15 months. Our toddlers sit at the table for meal time and begin to wash their hands independently. Each week, the teachers in the toddler room develop lesson plans.
Toddler Classroom Teachers:
Ms. Gizelle & Ms. Emily B.
An Example of the Toddler Lesson Plans:
We will be focusing on Thanksgiving!
Monday: We will be making turkey tracks for our craft today!
Skill Focus: Art and Fine Motor
Tuesday: We will be making corn out of Lego stamping!
Skill Focus: Art and Fine Motor
Wednesday: We will be making a thankful tree and talking about being thankful!
Skill Focus: Science and Fine Motor
Thursday: We will be Closed for Thanksgiving!
Skill Focus: Music and Movement
Friday: We will be Closed for Thanksgiving!
Skill Focus: Music and Movement
Notes: Please remember to have an extra set of clothes in your child's cubby in case of accidents! Thank you!